6 Quick Tips that Help to make You Look Good on Camera

Looking good while being on camera is easiest when you feel comfortable which means you need to consider the following 6 Quick Tips when you are shooting a video so that you can shine when the bright lights are staring at you to look and feel your best.

1. Clothing:

  • Solid colors are always best to wear on camera as they are also slimming and provide a clean look so that

  • the viewer can focus on your message and not on your clothing.

  • Avoid big logos, patterns and wrinkled clothes as they are visually distracting.

  • It is best to avoid the colors white which can wash you out on camera and red which can bleed on camera.

  • Be clothing appropriate for the message and audience you wish to reach which for example if you have a suit and tie on and you are appealing to a conservative audience this is the perfect attire.  Whereas if you are wanting to appeal to a young and more hip audience a ripped t-shirt/jeans can be appropriate.

  • Fitted clothing is better than loose clothing however no clothing is good if you cannot be comfortable in it.

  • Also, less jewelry is better.  You don’t want to look over the top and you want to make sure you do not have a bunch of bracelets on for example that interfere with audio quality.  If you want to appeal to an every day consumer you don’t want to be decked out in a lot of gold and diamond jewelry as that sends the wrong message.  Pearls for example can look dated and old fashioned so stay clear of these unless you want to be appealing to an older generation.

2. Make-Up:

  • Applying a base make-up to the face is recommended that matches your skin tone which alleviates blotchy skin that can be accentuated under the bright lights of TV.

  • A light dust of powder over your face helps to eliminate camera shine when on camera which is a necessity when filming so you do not look sweaty. Blotting paper can help reduce oil and minimize shine.

  • For ladies applying neutral eye shadow, pencil liner and mascara and enhancing your brows stand can help to polish your look on camera along with a bright lipstick that goes with your outfit can help to accentuate your look.

  • Stay clear of heavy and dark eye shadows, eye liners, etc. unless you are staring in a music video and want that type of look.

3. Camera Angle:

  • The best way to practice to produce your best on camera look is to take some Selfie shots with your iPhone and to see which angle of your face and body looks the best along with different smiles to see what you want to avoid and what you can use to look your very best.  If you are taller, try to keep the lens just above your eyeliner as this will help to prevent a double chin and a more flattering angle.  If you’re shooting with a Webcam make sure to raise your laptop up off the table and angle it down toward your face so that the camera is just above your eyeliner.

  • Keep a stool in your office or at the studio where they will be filming you so if you are short, you don’t have to stand on your tippy toes for the entire shoot to get the best camera angle and can feel comfortable standing on a stool for a better camera angle.

4. Lighting:

  • When you are lighting your subject, you need to remove all harsh shades from their face so consider the environment you are in and watch for unwanted shadows that detract from your filming.

  • Avoid having talent stand directly underneath overhead office lighting and either shut the lights off or move the subject out from the light to avoid “raccoon eyes.”

  • If you are using video lights, make sure your lights are placed just in front of the camera and slightly above the talent’s eye line for the best results.

5. Camera Background:

Choose the right background for your filming and on camera piece which a good rule of thumb is to stick with a dark gray or blue background which are universally flattering to most subjects and stay away from bright background colors such as orange or red which reflect the color back onto the subject and affect the way the camera records skin color.

6. Camera Performance:

  • Focus on looking directly into the camera lens.  Do not move your head from side to side or backwards and forwards and instead think of your head being taped stationary in one place where you cannot move it as this will look the best on camera and not distract viewers from your message.

  • Practice your lines before you step in front of the camera.  Say your lines with confidence.  Practice your lines in a bathroom mirror 10 times so you get it right when you are on camera.  Practice does make perfect!

  • Sit up straight and do not put your hands in your pockets (men) or move your hands around constantly as it will distract viewers from your message.

  • Remember to smile on camera when it is appropriate as you want to convey that you are approachable and kind as well.

  • If you are sick and not feeling well, definitely reschedule the shoot as nothing is worse than going on camera when you don’t feel or look well as the on camera video will last forever so be sure to feel and look your very best.

  • Less is more when on camera.  Keep your responses short & sweet & informative.  Do not ramble onward as it’ll bore the viewer.

PCF International